Tag: Milk

Formulated Milk: Boosting Toddler’s Dental Health


As a parent, it is natural to want the best for your child, especially when it comes to their health. One important aspect of a child’s overall health is dental health. As your child grows and develops, it is crucial to pay attention to their oral hygiene, including their diet. This is where Novamil-formulated milk comes in. In this article, we will explore the effects of formulated milk on dental health in toddlers and what Malaysian parents need to know about it.

What is Formulated Milk?

Formulated milk is a type of milk that is specially designed for toddlers who are no longer breastfeeding or drinking infant formula. It is commonly referred to as toddler milk or growing-up milk. Formulated milk is enriched with essential nutrients that support a toddler’s growth and development, including calcium, iron, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are crucial for bone and teeth development, making formulated milk an important component of a toddler’s diet.

The Pros of Formulated Milk

Formulated milk offers many advantages for toddlers, including supporting their dental health. Regular consumption of formulated milk can help prevent dental caries, which are commonly known as tooth decay. This is because formulated milk is enriched with calcium and phosphorus, which are crucial for strengthening teeth and promoting healthy gum development.

Another advantage of formulated milk is that it can be an excellent source of nutrition for picky eaters. Toddlers can be fussy when it comes to eating, and it can be challenging for parents to ensure that their child is getting all the nutrients they need. Formulated milk can help fill in the gaps and provide essential nutrients that your child may be missing out on.


The Advantages of Formulated Milk for Dental Health in Toddlers

When it comes to dental health, formulated milk has been shown to have significant advantages over other types of milk. A study conducted by the University of Rochester Medical Center found that toddlers who consumed formulated milk had a lower risk of developing dental caries compared to those who drank cow’s milk. This is because formulated milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk, which can cause dental caries in some children.

Another advantage of formulated milk is that it does not contain added sugars, which can be harmful to dental health. Sugars can lead to the formation of plaque, which can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. Formulated milk is also low in acidity, which means that it is less likely to cause tooth erosion.


As a parent, it is essential to pay attention to your child’s dental health. Formulated milk can be an excellent way to support your child’s dental health while providing them with essential nutrients that support their growth and development. When choosing a formulated milk for your child, look for products that are low in lactose, sugar-free, and enriched with calcium and other essential nutrients. With the right nutrition and oral hygiene practices, you can help your child develop strong, healthy teeth that will last a lifetime.